before I entirely close this page of their Indian life

But before I entirely close this page of their Indian life, I must say a word about the private life of my Grandfather and Father, which I am deeply thankful to be able to say to you their descendants; especially as they were rare and marked exceptions amongst men in the high circles in which they moved in India. Although my Grandfather was not a religious man until quite his latter years, his standard of morality and honour, and of temperance were so infinitely higher than that of any of his surroundings, that he was never known to fail in any one of these respects. It was the custom in those days to drink a good deal of wine, but as he knew that he could not take much, he had the lower half of his glass colored so that he might appear to be doing the hospitable with his friends when he had no intention of taking any more! As to receiving bribes, it is said that he {p5} and my Father were the only men then in the Civil Service who refused, to take them so universal was the practice for a man who had a case in court, and who was desirous to win favour, to put Bank Notes under his Judge’s plate at breakfast time and let him know, of course, where they came from.

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